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Coach's Corner

In Genesis, we believe the coach is the most important person in Genesis. Why? Because, you set the tone for the team and are the main person connecting with athletes at a deeper level. Head coaches and assistant coaches both have a tremendous opportunity in front of you.

What legacy will you leave as a coach? You have been given an opportunity to make an impact on youth - beyond the game.  To equip you, we have put together the resources below to leave a legacy beyond the game. 

Genesis Way

The Genesis Way

The Genesis Way is a summary of biblical principles that guide athlete's actions. It provides you with a common vocabulary and handle to use with your athletes. The Genesis Way provides the culture we want in Genesis. It is very important you know The Genesis Way and talk about it and emphasize it throughout the season.  Below is The Genesis Way shared in word and in a video from many athletes along with resources to help you.

The Genesis Way

I am a Genesis athlete.
I am created in the image of God
to glorify Him on and off the field.

Jesus Christ is the model of the best player.

I put the team above myself
and keep a humble attitude.
I put on love for others as a teammate

and a competitor.

I honor God’s authority
and those He has put over me.
I respect my coaches, teammates,
competitors, and officials.

I give my best
in practice and competition.
How I compete is what matters most
so that the results of my efforts
bring honor to God.

I am a Champion for Christ.

Resources to help you:

3D Coaching

3D Pyramid - Skills, Mind, Heart.png

What Legacy Will You Leave as a Coach?


3D Coaching empowers you to foster high-performing athletes while making a positive difference in their lives. Most coaches only coach from the technical pieces - technique, drills, tactics, etc.  Few go to the other dimensions of coaching the mind and the heart.

To achieve a legacy having a last impact, the 3D approach is the best material out there (Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) uses it to train their coaches at the college and high school levels). 

Genesis has purchased training in 3D for all head and assistant coaches. Use your email address with the Genesis group code provided to you by the Executive Board to view great material at the link below

3D Coaching

Coaches Communication tab on the Genesis TeamApp

One of the best ways to communicate to your athletes and parents about things you want them to remember is by using the Genesis TeamApp. We created a specific tab called Coaches Communication, just for you to put documents as a resource. Examples of documents coaches put include are:

  • Drills to work on outside of practice

  • Devotion schedule (Director of Spiritual Growth can do) 

  • Tournament schedule

  • Maps of away fields / courts / cross country courses

  • Nutrition recommendations

  • Anything else you feel is important you want to provide as a resource to your athletes or parents

To help, we have provided a “How to” put files on the Coaches Communications tab. IMPORTANT:  To guarantee your document can be read on all phones, best to store all documents as a PDF version.

Codes of Conduct

Codes of Conduct

Unity in the body of Christ and a Christian organization is key. Division and those causing issues can break down a team, your coaching, and our larger intent to be Ambassadors for Christ. The Genesis Codes of Conduct are your best friend to help you in this area. It provides clarity about what is and is not acceptable.

When you see or hear of issues by an athlete or parent, address it early. What other coaches have done in the past that is effective is bring out the Code of Conduct and speak to the expectation the athlete or parent agreed to when they joined Genesis. Get your sport board involved if needed - they handle these situations many times in the past and unity is a part of their responsibility.  Here are links to help you. 


Below are links to Codes of Conduct including those with signature page if needed: 

Safe Sport Guidelines

US Center for SafeSport

As reports of abuse in amateur sports made headlines, Congress created the U.S. Center for SafeSport to help at the college and high school levels. Genesis has adopted their Safe Sport Guidelines to help prevent sexual, physical, and emotional abuse on behalf of athletes. These guidelines ultimately help protect you as a coach from being put in difficult situations as well.

It is the expectation of every coach, as outlined in your Genesis application to be a coach, to have read these guidelines and follow them. If you have questions, please ask one of the Executive Board members.

Here is a link to Genesis Safe Sport Guidelines.

Coaching Clinics - You can attend on your own or with your other coaches

All Sports




Concussion Information

Concussions happen in sports. Genesis follows the Center for Disease Controls recommended guidance for sports. Please read this to how you are to handle situations where a concussion may have occuredClick this link for more information:

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (Heart Attack) Protocol

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